Wednesday, December 14, 2011

IBM COGNOS Error CM-REQ-4313 / CM-SYS-5043 (CMOBJECTS cannot be locked)

This usually occurs when the deployment folder does not contain the destination package for the exporting object.
Let me put an example here, while creating a package we put in a ‘PROD Export’ as the destination file so that we can modify it before the release(depending on the kind of release). If the deployment folder does not contain this ‘PROD Export’ zip or was not created during the export object creation; we get this error. As the error explains ---‘Content Manager failed to create an object’. (This was because I set up things in a way that I can blindly build the package every time but due to maintenance we had to remove all the files in the deployment folder and I completely forgot about it)
Anyways, the screen actually talks you about the exact error.
Solution, redo the process with the export object name so the IBM COGNOS can build a new package as we don’t have an existing file here.
Finding the issue before the error occurs --- In the configuration > Content Administration > go to the properties of the export object > click on ‘export’ property and check if there is a Deployment Archive folder specified.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Terrible font, please change it to something more legible.