Saturday, September 10, 2011

IBM COGNOS Report Studio List / Block with a scroll bar without Java Script

COGNOS Report Studio has a million options to create a report; but we only explore a few depending on our needs. 
In most of my reports (8.3 / 8.4 / 10 versions) I try to use some java scripting to the lists or graphs in order to make them look better. The problem that I face is, when the list moves to the next page, the scripting does not work as efficiently as it should. Check the image 1 & 2.
So the solution to this is;
1. Put the list  / graph / crosstab into to a block
2. Go to the properties pane and select the 'Size and Overflow'
3. Choose 'Use scrollbars only when necessary' 
It is as simple as that.
F Y I ---- Screen shot based on junk data.

1 comment:

Dukefazon said...


I have some issue with this. If I have a long-long list inside the block and then I filter the list the browser still thinks that the content is long so the list filtered to 1 item is not visible because it's the one and only element in the list it on the top. I have to scroll back to see it. On iPad this works without a problem but on PC it's not okay. Can you suggest some solutions to fix this, to make the page recognize that the list inside shrinked so it should refresh somehow? Thank you!